What You Get From Affirming These Affirmations Daily...
- Affirmation Number 4 Helps You to Destroy Limiting Beliefs That Make It Hard For You To Allow The Natural Flow Of Abundance In Your Life...
- Easily Maintain A Positive Abundance Driven Mindset From The Moment You Try Affirmation Number 7
- The 6th Affirmation Frees You From Feeling Like Your Family & Friends Think You Are A Failure...
Life Without These Affirmations?
- You will suffer from the constant chatter in your mind that tells you that you are unworthy of creating abundance for yourself...
- You will always feel as if it takes long to manifest your desires, sometimes you'll even give up on the manifestation technique you are using.
- You will always feel as if other people "have it better than you". Watching them spend their abundance will forever bug you.
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